Friday, January 1, 2010

Israeli Firm Responsible for Amsterdam Airport Security Where Terrorist Boarded Airport - Barry Chamish

Within days of my last report on Ehud Barak and 9-11, an American passenger plane almost exploded in mid-air. The terrorist was one of 14,500 select people on international airport computers as a flight risk, yet the airport screeners missed him and allowed him onto the plane without even a passport. Read report one followed by my report from the previous article. You decide if it was an accident or the excuse, now given, of "systemic failure." OR, did I get something awful, right?

Israeli Firm Responsible for Amsterdam Airport Security Where
Terrorist Boarded Airport

An Israeli firm is responsible for security inspections in the
airport in Schiphol, Holland, the airport where Umar Farouk
Abdulmutallab boarded the Airbus 330 heading for Detroit (USA). The
Israeli company, ICTS, is reportedly one of the leaders in security,
& operates in Amsterdam and a number of other European countries.

ICTS was established in 1982 and today employs 11,000 security
personnel in 22 countries. Many airports and airlines seek the
Israeli expertise and opt for ICTS to provide security for passengers
and employees.

According to Rom Langer, the director of the company, who granted
Channel 2 News an interview on motzei shabbos, the terrorist did
undergo a security inspection in Amsterdam, but he does not have the
information pertaining to the inspection.

When asked about the fact that the suspect attempted to set fire to
the aircraft, Langer responded, "You too can set the seat on fire,
using a lighter".

Schiphol is among the busiest airports in Europe, with many
passengers from Africa and Asia passing through, making their way to
North America. Security is reportedly stringent, and passengers are
limited regarding quantities of liquids and other substances
permitted on a flight.


And now Ehud Barak, PM of Israel in 1999. In the late 80s, the two chief accountants of the Likud Party, Ehud Olmert and Menachem Atzmon, were tried for graft and corruption but only Atzmon served prison time. When he was released in 1999, during the term of Ehud Barak as PM, he got a reward for his silence:

Menachem Atzmon, convicted in Israel in 1996 for campaign finance fraud, and his business partner Ezra Harel, took over management of security at the Boston and Newark airports when their company ICTS bought Huntleigh USA in 1999. UAL Flight 175 and AA 11, which allegedly struck the twin towers, both originated in Boston, while UAL 93, which purportedly crashed in Pennsylvania, departed from the Newark airport. This convicted Likud criminal's firm was in charge of security at Logan Airport­ inspecting the validity of passports and visas, searching cargo, screening passengers­ when two airliners were hijacked from there on Sept. 11, 2001, and demolished the World Trade Center towers in New York.

Without Atzmon in charge of Newark and Logan Airports, 9-11 could NOT HAVE HAPPENED. The same goes for Schiphol this week.

I just put out a two disc DVD, Media Madness In The Middle East. It costs only $20 with postage. Read the following review, then ask yourself; why don't I have it?

To my readers:

I don't know what you want to hear. That warm, loving Jewish Israel would never gain American sympathy by identifying a Muslim radical, letting him slip through airport security, and permitting him to pop a firecracker on a plane.

I used to be that naive until I wrote a book on the Rabin murder, and met witnesses to the setup of Baruch Goldstein, the mass kidnapping of Yemenite babies, the even more mass irradiation of all Sephardic children, all thoroughly documented; and I shared many a conversation with the historians and the witnesses.

Then I interviewed witnesses to the Holocaust and the deliberate Godawful Transfer Agreement between the Labor Zionists and the Nazis. I was invited to speak with a hospital technician who saw Rudolf Kastner murdered in his bed by the Shabak to make sure the sellout of 800,000 Jews trapped in Hungary by the Labor Zionists was not told.

And I wrote about the betrayal in my books.

So we come to today when you think Dr. Hiss, still of the Abu Kabir Institute, spends a decade illegally robbing corpses of their organs, with the help of a worldwide Israeli marketing arm, and you think this can't be. When 2/3 of the public vote Right and you get a repressive construction freeze policed by Israeli armed thugs.

The Israeli security forces are not religious Jews. They are at war with religious Jews. But it's a two front war with Arabs manning the other line. Because you support the war against the Arabs, you're forgetting your own battles.

I wish it wasn't true but unless you understand that you've met the enemy and he pretends to be us, 1939 is just around the corner.

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