Sunday, June 24, 2012

The Open Secret

The simple conclusion from the Right’s recent failure to pass the Regulation Law, intended to protect Jewish homes from being uprooted in Judea and Samaria, is that the fateful, strategic decisions are determined by one man: the prime minister.
The Likud Central Committee, the MKs and ministers and, in some way, the satellite parties can all improve the traveling conditions in the train. They can get another road built here and another kindergarten opened there. And that is important. But the direction of the train can only be changed from the locomotive – namely, from the prime minister’s seat. And when the prime minister decides, the rest of the railroad cars will follow.
These railroad cars are not only the ministers and MKs. They are the entire national camp – first and foremost, the settlers themselves.
It is not possible to pass the Regulation Law because first, Israel must annex Judea and Samaria. In other words, Israel’s High Court said to Prime Minister Netanyahu, “If you do not stop this law, we will force you to continue on the track to annexation. We will not allow you to treat this law as a tactical measure, something that must be done because the public cannot bear the destruction of these homes. We will force you to view this law as a strategic issue. It is either annexation or expulsion.”
Did anyone doubt what Netanyahu would choose?

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The Open Secret.... 

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