Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Beware: Feiglinism Poised to Bring Peace: By Moshe Feiglin

3 Iyar, 5772
April 25, '12

This is how it works: A minister or MK who steps out of line; opposing the destruction of the Ulpana neighborhood, for example, is immediately accused of 'Feiglinism.' The accuser can be Tzippy Livni or Ehud Barak; it makes no difference. "This is simply terrible!" Kadimah MK Nachman Shai explained on the afternoon news. "Feiglin determines the fate of the Likud MKs."

"Feiglin" has become a code word for illegitimacy. When someone is accused of Feiglinism, the accuser no longer has to logically argue his point. "Beware," said Defense Minister Barak to Strategic Affairs Minister Ya'alon, "If you continue to promote this view, you will be field marshaled by the Politically Correct Patrol."

Is the balloon that the media inflate around Manhigut Yehudit real? Do we really determine political fate? What is the real influence of Manhigut Yehudit and of other ideological factions in the Likud?

There is no doubt that all of these factions do exert influence. But that influence is far less than what the media attribute to them. True, there will be borderline candidates whose fate will be determined by our votes. But essentially, we are no different than any other voter or voting group in the Likud. Countless groups, large and small, organize and coordinate their votes. This is the situation in almost every Likud branch. Approximately 50% of the Likud voters are part of an organized group. According to the numbers, Manhigut Yehudit is certainly an important influence within the Likud, but not as great as portrayed by the media. A diligent and capable MK will be able to get himself elected with or without Manhigut Yehudit.

But numbers are not the whole picture. Essence is. Livni, Barak and all the other 'Feiglinism' alarmists are painfully aware that there is a real alternative growing in the Likud. The Likud is in power today because it is an authentic popular party with higher quality leaders. No other party has a leader who even nears the talent and experience of Binyamin Netanyahu.

On issues of essence, though, there is no real difference between the various major parties; not in foreign affairs and practically not in economics. With a bit of political savvy (social unrest plus a few media spins) the Opposition may actually manage to overthrow the Likud and to make Shaul Mufaz the new prime minister.

The person who is an essential threat to the Shimon Peres agenda that has been forced upon Israeli society since Oslo is none other than this writer. It is much more difficult to spin essence away. That is why they keep yelling about the contagious Feiglinism.

"What is your peace plan?" I was asked this week at a Likud meeting in rocket-weary Ashkelon.
"It is very simple," I answered. "The Arabs will hear that Feiglin is prime minister, and there will be peace."

That is not bragging; it is simply the truth. Today, we do not have peace because the Arabs have nobody to make peace with. The Arabs have caught on to our "just passing through" mentality, reflected by Israel's leaders from all the parties. To make peace, you need a partner. Only the landowner can be a peace partner – and only if he is convinced and convincing that he has no intention of giving his land up. But if we are only passing through here, there is nobody to make peace with. If there is a problem with a guest, everybody just tries to hasten his departure.

Those who are truly committed to peace should do all they can to ensure that Feiglinism spreads far and wide.
Moshe Feiglin on Temple Mount Awareness Broadcast

Be sure to watch this powerful video of Moshe Feiglin interviewed on the Temple Mount Awareness broadcast.

Is there a Vaccine for Feiglinism? By Shmuel Sackett

During the past week, Moshe's name has been all over the news.
This stems from the fact that the "Ulpana" neighborhood in Bet El has been slated for destruction, as per the orders of Defense Minister Ehud Barak.

Leading the fight against this destruction are the ministers of Likud.
Barak claims that these ministers are acting this way because of the pressure placed upon them by Moshe Feiglin.
All kidding aside, this is probably the ONE TRUE THING that Ehud Barak has said in the last 20 years!!!

We are not complaining about WHAT he is saying – since it is 100% true – we are merely enjoying the WAY he is saying it!

Here are my favorite 2 quotes from today's news:

"Ministers Yisrael Katz and Bogey Ya'alon have fallen ill with SERIOUS FEIGLINISM"

YNET (the official website of Yediot Aharonot)
"We hope – for the good of the public and its elected officials – that FEIGLINISM does not turn out to be CONTAGIOUS"

I have to admit that we haven't laughed like this in a long time!
Heck - we are now a DISEASE!!!

Therefore, to all those afflicted with this disease, allow me to say two things:
1. May you NOT have a Refuah She'layma!!!
2. May this disease grow and grow and grow.
The Ulpana Neighborhood

Manhigut Yehudit has quite a lot to do with the positive developments in the Ulpana neighborhood of Beit El. Just as Manhigut was a driving force behind the important emergency meeting held there on Sunday to avoid its demolition, we will continue to use our political power in the battle to save any and every settlement in the Land of Israel.

But we must not be blinded by the tactical success in the Ulpana neighborhood. The danger has not passed at all. So far, we are fighting to ensure that the Ulpana neighborhood will regain the status once enjoyed by Neveh Dekalim in Gush Katif.

Even if the government's request to postpone the demolition of the Ulpana neighborhood is accepted by the High Court, and even if settlements like Sansana are to be officially authorized – nothing has changed in principle. Our status in Israel's heartland is still that of foreign occupiers. This is what former Chief Justice Aharon Barak decided when he defined Judea and Samaria as territory under "belligerent occupation." This position has been adopted by all the State's representatives. If we do not make an essential change, when the next "window of opportunity" for a "disengagement" comes along, it will be carried out.

Manhigut Yehudit in the News

Jewish Press: 1 Iyar/April 23
We're all Feiglinists, Especially Feiglin
Israel National News: 29 Nissan/April 21
Barak Sources: Ya'alon and Katz are 'Feiglinist' Hardliners

Save the Date for the Manhigut Yehudit US Dinner
Save the date!

A date has been set for Manhigut Yehudit's 10th annual dinner in New York!

June 5th – the 15th of Sivan – Just one week after Shavuot

Terrace on the Park (next to Laguardia airport) in Queens, NY (same location as last year)

More details coming soon.
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Manhigut Yehudit's US Director, Rob Muchnick, creates his own weekly 2-page full-color pdf newsletter, called "Rob's Shul Newsletter" (which really stands out on the table of handouts in your shul). In it are included most or all of the articles in the Weekly Update, plus additional commentary, pictures, quotes and articles by Rob - with his own down-to-earth, sharp and sometimes irreverent style.
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What can I do?
If you are already a Likud member and you would like to check your membership status, just email us at: Be sure to include your name, Israeli ID No., and a phone number where it is easiest to reach you. Or give us a call at our  "English Speakers" office: 02-996-1123 (Israel), or 516-620-2475 (USA).

If you are not Israeli citizen, you can  become a Manhigut Yehudit International Member. Joining Manhigut Yehudit International is much more than just a donation. Now you're part of the team!  If you are interested in arranging a lecture or meeting in your community with Moshe Feiglin or Shmuel Sackett, either in Israel or in the USA, please contact Dovid Shirel at, or call: 02-996-1123 (Israel) or 516-620-2475 (USA).

Manhigut Yehudit
The Jewish Leadership Movement
Tel: 02-996-1123 (Israel); 516-620-2475 (USA)
Our Aim: To perfect the world in the Kingdom of the Almighty

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