Monday, January 16, 2012

The Likud & the National Agenda - The Great Debate!

Sunday, 27 Tevet, 5772 / Jan. 22, '12

Where does the Likud stand on the Land of Israel?

What is the significance of the upcoming primary elections?

What is the best path to move the national agenda forward?

These questions and more to be discussed and debated by a distinguished

panel of Likud leaders:
* DANIEL TAUBER, Executive Director of Likud Anglos

* EMMANUEL NAVON, Candidate for the Likud Knesset list

* SHMUEL SACKETT, International Director of Manhigut Yehudit

This impressive panel will be moderated by GIL HOFFMAN, the chief political

correspondent and analyst for The Jerusalem Post.

THIS SUNDAY (27 Tevet / Jan 22)

8:15 – 10:15 PM

Bet Shemesh (Not Ramat Bet Shemesh)

Bet Knesset Netzach Menashe

Rechov Reuven 18, Givat Sharett (Bet Shemesh)

Near Rechov Rashi and Ma’apilei Egoz

Downstairs in the Frieda Lerner Simcha Hall


For more information please contact:

Debbie Buckman

(02) 991-8492

No admission charge. Open to LIKUD MEMBERS ONLY.

Note: This is the ONLY event in the entire campaign geared towards English speakers.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

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