Thursday, September 15, 2011

Who's Afraid of Israel?

"And all the nations of the world will see that the Name of G-d is called upon you and they will fear you." (From this week's Torah portion, Ki Tavo, Deuteronomy 23:10)

The pace at which we are losing the fear of the nations - Israel's strategic power of deterrence, is faster than anything we could have imagined. While we are still accommodating ourselves to one humiliation, another, more severe affront comes knocking on our national door. The Turk helps to breach our maritime border and attack our soldiers and instead of apologizing he demands our apology; the Gazan attacks our cities with missiles and in exchange demands - and receives - a state; the Egyptian burns our embassy and in exchange, our Prime Minister thanks the American who was kind enough to call the Egyptian who wouldn't answer our phone calls; he also thanks the Egyptian who was kind enough to answer the American's phone call and to save the Jews in the embassy from a fate reminiscent of 1929 - when hate-crazed Arab mobs brutally massacred Jews in cities throughout the Land of Israel.

The Turk embarks on a speed-campaign to trample every possible Israeli interest and the PM promises to rectify our relations with Turkey. He also promises to quickly re-open Israel's embassy in Egypt and to learn the lessons of this past weekend: In other words, to build a higher wall. Even the dictator from Jordan, in danger of losing his throne like Mubarak, Gaddafi and Assad, dares to get in on the act and question our right to exist.

This week's Torah portion, Ki Tavo, is actually the key to forging Jewish sovereignty in the Land of Israel. It is a thorough and detailed description of how to build a Jewish kingdom in the Land of Israel such that all the nations of the world will immediately understand that the King of this nation is the Master of the Universe Himself - and their hearts will automatically fill with awe and admiration.

"And it will be when you come to the Land that Hashem your G-d is giving you for an inheritance and you shall inherit it and settle in it. And you shall take from the first fruits of the earth that you shall bring from your Land that Hashem your G-d gives you and you shall place them in the basket and you shall go to the place that Hashem will choose for His Name to dwell there." (Deuteronomy 26:1-2)

The King of Kings, the Master of the Universe, dwells in your midst - in the royal palace; the Holy Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. And you, before you harvest the fruits of your economic success and close yourself off in your own world, are commanded to first ascend in joy to the royal courtyard; its gates are open for you. There, in the courtyard of G-d's house, you will thank your King, remember and appreciate Him and internalize the loving kindness that He has bestowed upon you. You will coronate Him again as King over you, your family, your community, your nation and the entire world.

Afterwards, your daily routine will be informed by the guidance that you received at the Temple, in accordance with the holistic Torah that emanates from the place chosen by G-d. The Temple is really the only place from which the Torah can emanate in its pure, complete, unified and relevant form.

If you do not live in the Land in this holistic way, you really have not entered the Land. Deep in your heart, you understand that you are merely a guest. The Turk can protect his interests beyond his borders, but you dare not do so. Not because you are physically weak, but because you do not feel that this is your home. You have not come to the place chosen by G-d. True, you are the legal inheritor, the son of the queen, but you hurried to pass the responsibility on to the son of the handmaiden. You do not ascend to the courtyards of G-d, but to the courtyards of Uncle Sam.

It took a long time. But in the end they understood. Now they do not even need to make war. You are doing all the work for them. And Migron is only the beginning.

There is only one way to change direction. The face of the nation is its leadership. Israel urgently needs G-d fearing leadership.

And all the nations of the world will see that G-d's Name is called upon you and they will fear you.
Shabbat Shalom,

Moshe Feiglin

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