Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Why Israel Must Eliminate the Iranian Threat - Prof Paul Eidelberg

The multifaceted proposal outlined below is based on the assumption that Israel has the air and naval platforms required to destroy Iran's nuclear development program and cripple Syria and Hezbollah. However, before being overawed by the problematics and possible ramifications of an Israeli strike on Iran, it must be stressed that Iran does not have to deploy nuclear weapons to bring about the Israel's political demise. Let it only be known that Iran has one or more of such weapons and certain consequences will naturally follow, namely:

Above picture is NYC on Madison Ave

1) Jewish immigration to Israel will dwindle.

2) Emigration of well-off Israelis, especially of professionals employable abroad, will increase.

3) The Jewish birthrate in Israel will decrease.

4) The ratio of Jews to Arabs will decline.

5) The ratio of Jewish to Arab Knesset members will decline.

6) Economic investments in Israel will decrease as will Israel's GDP.

7) Scientific and technological progress will shrink.

8) Israel's military power vis-à-vis its enemies will decline.

9) Israel will cease being a strategic asset to the United States.

10) The country will be utterly demoralized.

That a successful Israeli strike against Iran's nuclear facilities would only delay production of a nuclear bomb by two or three years is not an argument against a strike. During the interim the United States will very likely have a new president who will pursue an aggressive policy toward Iran.

Meanwhile, "regime change" may take place in Iran facilitated by overt and covert actions by Israel and/or America. Also, Israel may develop a defensive nuclear shield that would neutralize Iran.

A strike against Iran would have to be followed immediately by Israeli strikes against Syria and Hezbollah.

It would obviously be of enormous importance to target the leadership echelons of Israel's enemies.

Of course, the ramifications of this multifaceted proposal are enormous. Israel will be denounced by the Obama administration, the United Nations, and the European Union. A U.S. arms embargo and economic sanctions will very likely follow.

However, Israel will retain the support of the American Congress and will be cheered by the American people. Indeed, a successful Israeli strike against Iran would have a most a therapeutic impact on American society especially on Evangelical Christians as well as on Catholics. They will rally to Israel's support and be encouraged to magnify their own efforts against the atheism and hedonism spreading throughout the United States.

A successful Israeli strike against Iran will incite imams in a thousand mosques to vent their hatred not only of Jews but of Christian America, and this will expose Islam, as 9/11 failed to do, as the enemy of civilization so awesomely portrayed in this hyperlink:


An existential crisis of world-historical significance is developing in America. Americans dare not remain silent or "politically correct" while this fabricated religious threat to human freedom spreads across the land (click > Madison Avenue.doc).*

A successful Israeli attack on Iran, the epicenter of global Jihad, will stop Islamic triumphalism and inspire Americans to go on the offensive against this imperialistic evil. Another American Revolution beckons. Is it far-fetched to think that Israel will trigger this Revolution lest America succumb, step-by-step, to the darkest of tyrannies?

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