Monday, June 7, 2010

Prophecy - Prof. Paul Eidelberg

Many Jews talk about the need to make Israel an authentic Jewish state, a state based on the Torah, on the Sinai Covenant.  The ultimate purpose of such a state is to sanctify the Name of God by revealing His infinite Wisdom, Power and Graciousness in every domain of existence. 

But if we understand what an authentic Jewish state is, why don’t we have a road map to such state?  A basic reason is because Israelis have focused their attention and energies on the “Arab problem,” more precisely the “Palestinian problem.”   This is a self-fulfilling prophecy.  Not only is the entire world focused on the Palestinian problem, but Israel's Government is committed to establishing an Arab-Islamic state on Israel's own territory! Let's try to get to the bottom of this bizarre situation.

(1) Israeli governments have focused the world’s attention on the Palestinian problem because they have failed to address Israel's most fundamental problem the Jewish problem!

(2) Stated another way, every Israeli government has been focused on the territorial-cum-security issue.  So lo and behold, Israel is losing territory and has never been more insecure!

Want more?  Okay.

(3) Israel’s (paranoid) prime ministers are always preoccupied with Israel’s image among the nations.  This is precisely why Israel has never had a more horrible image.

Are you getting the message? You all know that the Zionist enterprise had two basic goals: to provide for the security and restore the dignity of the Jewish people by establishing a Jewish state in Eretz Israel.  Right? 

But where was God in this Zionist scenario?  Do you find God mentioned in Theodor Herzl’s The Jewish State—Herzl, the only name mentioned in the document now called Israel’s Declaration of Independence? 

So, instead of God, what does Israel look up to—because if a people have nothing to look up to, they will be looking down on their feet.  Instead of looking up to God they will look up to man.  This is called "humanism."  But inasmuch as biologists such as Richard Dawkins have shown that man is descended from apes, an awful lot of Israelis have discovered they have no statesman at the helm—only apes!

Let me put it another way. What do Israel’s decision-makers and opinion-makers exalt? What else but DEMOCRACY?  Everyone knows this.  Everyone knows that the paramount concern of Israel’s ruling elites—politicians and judges, academics and journalists—their paramount concern is to secure Israel’s reputation as a Democracy.  This is what gives Israel's Government Legitimacy and Israel's elites with Respectability. Right?  But notice that the nations are now seeking to delegitimize Israel despite its vaunted Democracy!  Sort of ironic, no?

But where is the Torah in this Israeli scenario?   Wasn’t it the Torah that preserved the Jewish people and endowed them with dignity? 

Will someone tell me what would have happened to the Jewish people after the destruction of the Second Temple without the Torah?  Why they would have become as extinct as the dodo.  This means that had Israel been led by the likes of Yitzhak Rabin, Ehud Barak, Ariel Sharon, Ehud Olmert, and Binyamin Netanyahu, the Jews would have suffered the fate of the Mesopotamians.

Poor Israelis! Having abandoned the Jewish God and the Torah, we now we now see that some Jewish politicians are so desperate that they solicit the political support of Christians!  Christians may think this is the fulfillment of prophecy. 

But the Jewish sages knew that in the end of days, Israel would be ruled by paltry governments.  Like the foolish governments of Europe and the United States, Israel's government succumbing to barbarians.  But don't despair.  The same Jewish sages saw Israel's current state of affairs as a preliminary to a renaissance of Hebraic civilization.

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