Friday, April 16, 2010

Moment of Truth: By Moshe Feiglin

Bibi's problem is not how to safeguard Jerusalem. According to the Makor Rishon newspaper, he has already committed to retreat to Israel's pre-1967 borders - including Jerusalem - with the exception of minor border adjustments. The newspaper, generally associated with Netanyahu, quotes three highly reliable American sources to verify its report.

Bibi's problem is not how to safeguard Jerusalem. His problem is how to sell his surrender to the public. Netanyahu bought the time that he needed for internal politicking with his ten month building freeze.
But now, much to his chagrin, the Likud has woken up from its hibernation. The last thing that Bibi needs now is elections for the Likud Central Committee, which are expected to boost the right wing MKs and ministers of the party.

Bibi's tried and true solution? Change the rules. Two weeks ago, Israel's High Court accepted Netanyahu's appeal against holding elections for the Likud Central Committee on time as per the Likud constitution. Instead, Bibi proposes to change the constitution and postpone elections for the new Likud Central Committee for at least two more years - an eternity in Israel.

If Bibi gets his way, the elections for the Likud's governing body will likely never take place and Israel's large Jewish majority will have lost the only political tool that it has to determine its fate. All the power will be concentrated in the hands of the High Court and the radical left, which will continue to ensure that Netanyahu does their bidding. If Bibi wins this upcoming vote, he will quickly transform whatever will remain of the Likud into a new Kadimah, just as Sharon did, five years ago.

How long can Israel survive if it is not motivated by its Jewish majority? How can it retain its national and territorial integrity when it is manipulated by the small minority that is estranged from its Jewish identity but firmly in control of Israel's power hubs in the courts and media? How much longer can the State of Israel possibly last with Shimon Peres, Dorit Beinish, the heads of the justice system and the news editors running the country? Can it save itself from the "mother of all expulsions" that Bibi is preparing for us?

It is vital to Israel's future to preserve the Likud as the party that genuinely reflects its Jewish majority.
If Bibi wins this vote, G-d forbid, we will find ourselves stranded on a narrow strip of beach, waiting for the American ship that will come to save us.

And it will come.
Just like America came then, to bomb Auschwitz.

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