Monday, March 22, 2010

Obama Gives Arabs the Green Light to Attack Israel!

Caroline Glick’s excellent article, “Obama’s War on Israel,” overlooks a crucial point. Let me quote again her summary of Obama’s four-part ultimatum to Israel:

First, Israel must cancel the approval of the housing units in Ramat Shlomo. Second, Israel must prohibit all construction for Jews in Jerusalem neighborhoods built since 1967. Third, Israel must make a gesture to the Palestinians to show them we want peace. Fourth, Israel must agree to negotiate all substantive issues, including the partition of Jerusalem (including the Jewish neighborhoods constructed since 1967 that are now home to more than half a million Israelis) and the immigration of millions of hostile foreign Arabs to Israel under the rubric of the so-called “right of return” …

Given this ultimatum, it is not enough to say, as Glick does, that the Palestinians will have no incentive to engage in negotiations with Netanyahu. Connect this ultimatum with Obama’s virtual military embargo on Israel, for example, his decision to divert Joint Direct Attack Munitions (JDAM), already on its way to Israel, to the US Air Force base on the Indian Ocean island of Diego Garcia.

I see here an invitation to Arabs to wage another war with Israel, and this war may well be of world historical significance.

It would be a mistake merely to regard Obama as just a dangerous bungler. It would be more prudent for Jews and friends of Israel to act on the evidential conclusion that Obama is Israel’s most insidious enemy, and that he shares the Muslim objective to wipe Israel off the map!

Prof. Paul Eidelberg

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