February 11, 2010...
“It’s a proposal that will strengthen the right and neutralize Israel’s enemies,” says Moshe Feiglin, leader of the Manhigut Yehudit faction of the ruling Likud party in commenting on a proposed bill that would allow Israeli citizens living out of the country to vote in Israel’s national elections.
Feiglin suggests this is a good first step with the eventual aim of allowing all Jews, anywhere, to participate in Israel’s democracy. “The majority of Israelis are loyal to their identity and to the Land of Israel,” Feiglin declares, “and naturally lean toward the nationalist cause. Therefore, granting voting rights to hundreds of thousands of Israeli expatriates can neutralize the power of the Arab Knesset block and those who seek to reduce the Jewish character of the state.”
Most western countries allow their citizens living abroad the opportunity to vote in national elections either by mail or at the local embassy or consulate.
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