Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Victory for National Camp - Harsh blow to the left

From the Women For Israel's Tomorrow (Women in Green) Email

Dear Friends,

So, let's make some order to those confusing election results:

Even before we have the results of the soldiers (who usually add mandates to the right) we can be pleased to see that the national camp has a clear victory:

Likud 27
Lieberman 15
Shas 11
Yahadut haTora 5
Ichud Leumi 4
Bayit Yehudi 3


Kadima 28
Labor 13
Meretz 3



Clearly a victory for the National camp.

The questions are:

* Will Bibi be the national leader that will have the guts to fulfill the will of the majority of the Jewish People and create a national government of 65 mandates??

* Will Lieberman stay to the right or will the left do what they did to Ariel Sharon and threaten him by saying: "If you go with Bibi we will make sure to convince the State prosecution to prosecute you on all your criminal cases, but if you go with Livni and help her advance her platform, we will close all criminal files against you."

* If Lieberman caves in to the leftist pressures and threats and is willing to join with Livni, Livni would still need more mandates. That is when she would turn to Yahadut HaTora, Bayit Yehudi and Shas. Will those three parties stay firm and stick to the will of the majority (i.e. stay to the right) or will they betray their voters and agree to sit with Livni in return for monetary compensation?

In summary:
If, hopefully, Lieberman, Bayit Yehudi, Shas and Yahadut haTora stay loyal to the will of their voters and stay to the right, it will be Bibi who will be Prime Minister.

The next few days will tell. We live in interesting times....

One more addition:
To all those who were worried that Ichud leumi and Bayit Yehudi would take away from Likud, now you can stop worrying. The results show that exactly the opposite happened. Ichud Leumi-Mafdal used to be nine. Now we are a total of seven. Two mandates went to Likud or to Lieberman and that is a pity. Had Ichud Leumi won another two mandates, Bibi would have been even more dependent on us and there would be an even greater chance that Bibi would be PM.

But, we must admit that after the vitriolic defamation campaign against the Ichud Leumi, especially by Bayit Yehudi and Makor Rishon newspaper, the fact that Ichud Leumi got four mandates is in itself a great achievement.

We are now waiting to hear what the results are in the soldiers vote.

May we continue to hear good news.

Nadia Matar
Women in Green

Hear it from the Left:
Meretz Chairman: Left suffered hard blow,7340,L-3669870,00.html

To read Arutz 7 in English describing the results

Women For Israel's Tomorrow (Women in Green)
POB 7352, Jerusalem 91072, Israel
Tel: 972-2-624-9887 Fax: 972-2-624-5380

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