Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Moshe Feiglin Addressed the Likud Central Committee

Last Monday, October 6, Moshe Feiglin was given the prestigious honor of being invited to speak to the Likud Central Committee. The following are the main points of his speech, which drew a standing ovation.

Best wishes to new Central Committee Chairman [Moshe] Kachalon. It is commendable that you have dedicated the first meeting in your new role as chairman to the discussion of ideological issues.

The Economy and Education: What is the connection between the two? The connection is values. An economic system that is not based on values will ultimately collapse. The world constantly alternates between socialist & capitalist ideologies. Pure socialism is simply armed robbery in broad daylight. It inevitably leads to poverty. Historically, it has also brought about the largest mass murders. Scorn for the individual's right to amass wealth ultimately leads to scorn for the individual's very life. Even when the Likud is unpopular it must never give in and accept this socialist worldview.

On the other hand, capitalism that is not refined & moderated is just another strain of Darwinism - doomed to eventually implode. Clearly, we are not interested in that extreme.

What does the Likud have to offer? We offer a free market that sanctifies individual rights to personal property, but that refines and moderates the individual's drive for wealth through our Jewish culture.

In Switzerland, the Chief of the National Bank does not earn over 20% more than the tellers. That is not the law - it is Swiss culture that refines and moderates the capitalist system.

On the one hand, the right to amass personal wealth must be maintained (Our forefathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were all relative billionaires). But on the other hand, we must also set an atmosphere whereby interest-free loans to the individual borrower, the annulment of debt in the Shemittah year and most importantly - a culture of community giving and mutual responsibility are instilled.

And if we are already talking about mutual responsibility, I would like to add a few more words. In the upcoming year we can expect some significant political struggles. The media will attempt to portray [Tsipi] Livni as a new, clean politician. Whoever expects the Likud to sweep to victory without a concerted effort is in for a surprise.

The Likud is connected to the most healthy, intense and ideological forces in the National Camp. It would be a grave error for us to look for support from other places. Remember what [Ezer] Weizman and [Moshe] Dayan did to [Menachem] Begin. Do you remember the slogan, "Bibi is good for the Jews"? If we want to lead Israel, we must do what is good for the Jews. The Left is completely unreliable. If we join up with all the truly nationalist forces - if we do what is good for the Jews - we will triumph and save Israel.

We Pray For the Release of Our Jewish Prisoners

During this new year we fervently pray that the Prisoners of Zion both inside and outside of Israel will shortly return home to their families. First and foremost, the betrayed Prisoner of Zion, our brother, Jonathan Pollard. Second, the soldiers for whom Israel does not even attempt to exact a price - Gilad Shalit, Zach Baumel, Tzvi Feldman, Yekutiel Katz, Ron Arad & Guy Hever. And let us say another prayer for the speedy return of our fallen heroic brother Eli Cohen in order to give him a proper Jewish burial in the Land of Israel.

And of course, all the Jewish Prisoners of Zion languishing in Israeli jails because Israel "doesn't have a vested interest" (in the words of Internal Security Minister Avi Dichter) in releasing them - although it is convinced that it does have a vested interest in the wholesale release of Arab murderers.

We pray that we will soon merit worthy, Jewish leadership that will view the Jewish vested interest as Israel's vested interest and will free all the Prisoners of Zion without delay.

The Jewish State?

The beginning of defeat is retreat (Sotah 44B).

As we have seen for many years, the state of Israel is NOT the Jewish state. The Israeli government keeps making this clear.

On Yom Kippur, Arabs rioted in Akko and the Israeli police did nothing while the Arabs looted, destroyed cars and threatened the lives of any Jew who set foot on the streets. ON OUR HOLIEST DAY! Two days ago in Judea & Samaria, Arabs (and some of their Jewish sympathizers) got permission from Israeli police to harvest a field. Instead - after the residents of a local Jewish town went out - the Arab group pillaged the small town and murdered the dog of a resident. Four of the Jewish attackers were caught, and yet they were released by the police almost immediately.

These stories just add to the long list of disgraces. Whether it’s the giving away of Eretz Yisrael or the refusal to let Jews pray on our holiest site - the Temple Mount - Israel has never had a leader who stood firm for the Land of Israel, G-d, and the Jewish People. We must stop retreating. We must start standing up for our beliefs and our principles. We need your help to install real Jewish leadership in Israel!

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